Typically, this is caused by your browser cache. This can be very quickly resolved by clearing the cache inside your browser.

Google Chrome

1. Go to chrome://settings/

2. Under the heading Privacy and Security, click Clear Browsing Data

3. This will open a pop-up window. Select Cached Images and Files

4. Click Clear Data

5. Return to your virtual tour and refresh the page. You should now be able to explore your tour as usual


1. Click on the Safari drop-down menu and select Preferences

2. Click the Advanced tab

3. Select the Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar checkbox 

4. Close the Preferences window

5. Select the Develop drop-down menu and click Empty Cache

6. Return to your virtual tour and refresh the page. You should now be able to explore your tour as usual

Microsoft Edge

1. Click on the ... menu button in the top right hand corner of your browser.

2. Click on Settings

3. Under the heading Clear Browsing Data, click Choose what to clear

4. Select the Cached Data and Files checkbox

5. Click Clear

6. Return to your virtual tour and refresh the page. You should now be able to explore your tour as usual 

If your screen continues to freeze when moving through your virtual tour after clearing your browser cache, do please get in touch with our support team at support@eyespy360.com and let us know the browser, device and operating software you are using to view your tour.