When building your tour, your 360 photos will be connected together using links. This creates the hotspots that allows you to move from one 360 photo to the next and explore your tour. When our team are making these links, they will link together 360 photos that are directly neighbouring each other. 

If you have an open plan space, or if you took more 360 photos than recommended in our Best Practice Guide, you may wish to add in additional links. You can add in extra links inside your tour at any time. To do this, please follow these steps:

1. Login to your EyeSpy360 account.

2. Click on your chosen tour. This will open your tour editor.

3. To create a link, click on the Link button at the top of your screen. 

4. Click on one donut shaped image and drag your mouse over to a second donut shaped image. This will create a red line connecting your two images. Once your mouse is over your second donut shaped image, release your mouse click and this will then cement the link between your two images. 

Please note: you will need to release your mouse over the donut shaped image. If you release your mouse over the white workspace around or in the centre of the image this will not save your link.

5. Double click on the donut shaped image you've just added a link to. This will open 360 View. 

6. Click and drag your hotspots to reposition them inside your tour. Release your click to drop your hotspot in its new position.  

If you wish to delete a link at any time, single click the red line connecting your donut shaped images and then click the Delete button at the top of your screen. See How do I remove a link/hotspot from my tour?

7. To save your changes, you will need to republish to update your published tour. Double click on the donut shaped image you wish your tour to start on. This will open 360 View. 

8. Position your screen in your desired starting position and then click the red Publish button in the top right of your screen. This will republish your tour and update it with your changes.