You can certainly use a mobile phone to take your 360 photos, however you will need a rotator kit in order to take fully stitched 360 spherical images. A rotator kit comes in two parts, a rotator which spins your phone 360 degrees, and a fish eye lens that you clip over your phone's camera lens so you can capture the ceiling and the floor. theVRkit rotator kit is used with theVRkit mobile app which connects to the rotator via Bluetooth and will stitch your 360 image together. You can find more information about this on their website linked below:


theVRkit rotator is compatible with both Apple and Android devices. To check if your mobile phone specifically is compatible, all you need to do is go the App Store on your device and search for theVRkit app. This rotator is compatible with any Apple or Android phone released since 2017. Compatibility with older models may vary.