To add a virtual tour to your Idealista listing please follow these steps:

1. Login to your EyeSpy360 Account

2. Click on Published Link icon for your chosen tour. This will open your tour's Publish Window.  

3. Under the heading Settings, you will need to ensure the following:

        - Nadir Image is switched OFF

        - Company Logo is switched OFF

        - EyeSpyLIVE is switched OFF

        - Horizontal Transitions are switched ON

        - Hide Information Labels is switched ON

Please note if these settings aren't as detailed above, your link will not be accepted by Idealista.

4. Once you have made these adjustments to your Settings, copy your tour's modified URL under the Share heading. Your tour URL should appear in the following format:

5. Login to your Idealista account 

6. Enter your property listing and select Multimedia

7. Paste your tour's URL in the Multimedia Link field. 

This will then add your virtual tour to your Idealista listing.